24 June 2009


talli peTTelu menamaama daggara pogiDinaTTu.
Meaning: To praise mothers treasure infront of her brother

talli guuni daitae pillaguunidounaa!
Meaning : If mother has a hunch will the daughter too have it!
talliki kuuDaa peTTani vaaDu pina talliki cheera peTTaaDaTa.
Meaning : Who does not even spend on mother bought a saree for her sister.

taacheDDa koati vanamella cherachinaTTu.
Meaning : The bad monkey made every other monkey in the park bad.
taaTaaku chappuLLaku kumdaeLLu bedaravu.
Meaning : Rabbits do not get scared if the leaves shake
taaDi cheTTukimda paalu taaginaTTu.
Meaning : To drink milk under the palmyra (taati chettu) tree
(the milk of palmyra is white and is liquor so who would belive you are drinking milk)
taaDini tannuvaaDini taladannuvaaDumTaaDu.
Meaning : If You can beat someone then there is someone else who could beat you.
taataku daggulu naervavalenaa!
Meaning : To teach an oldman to cough

taanu paTTina kumdaeluki muuDae kaaLLu.
Meaning : The rabbit he caught has only 3 legs.
taanu valachimdi rambha, munigimdi gamga.
Meaning : The girl he liked is 'rambha'(apsara), the one he drowned is 'ganga'
Also see: Sametalu

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