15 March 2009


goaTitoa poyaedaaniki goDDali emduku.
Meaning : useing an axe where a nail is required.

goacheeki peddadi amgavastraaniki chinnadi.
Meaning: Bigger than a loin cloth and smaller than a shawl.
gurram guDDidainaa daaNaa tappadu.
Meaning : Even the blind horse has to be fed oats.

guruvukae pamganaamaalu peTTinaTTu.
Meaning : To cheat the teacher himself

gurivimda tana kimdi nalupu taanerugadu gadaa!
Meaning : 'gurivinda does not know the darkness it has

guDDu vacchi pillanu vekkirimchinaTTu.
Meaning : The egg came and made fun of the chick

gummaDikaayala domga amTae bhujaalu taDumukonnaTTu.
Meaning : To shrug your shoulder before asking who the thief is..
guDDi eddu chaeloa paDDaTTu.
Meaning :Like the blind cow that fell in the pond

guDDi kannaa mella maelu.
Meaning : Better to be cross eyed than be blind

guDinee guDiloe limgaannee mimgaesaaDu.
Meaning: To swallow the temple as wll as its deity
Also see: Sametalu

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