9 January 2009



guruvukae pamganaamaalu peTTinaTTu.
Meaning : To cheat the teacher himself
gurivimda tana kimdi nalupu taanerugadu gadaa!
Meaning : 'guruvinda' does not know it is black

gummaDikaayala domga amTae bhujaalu taDumukonnaTTu.
Meaning : Who stole the pumpkin means, to shrug unnecessarily
(When you did steal the pumpkin, and someone asks about it you feel the urge to look sidewards)
guDDu vacchi pillanu vekkirimchinaTTu.
Meaning : The egg came and made fun of the chick.

guDDi eddu chaeloa paDDaTTu.
Meaning : A blind bull in the field

guDDi kannaa mella maelu.
Meaning : It is better to have a eye disorder than being blind.

guDinee guDiloe limgaannee mimgaesaaDu.
Meaning : To swallow the whole temple and the 'Limgam'

For more proverbs look here : Sametalu

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