తెలుగు సామెతలు
Meaning : Why does the squirrel need to know the world affairs.

uData uupulaku kaayalu raalunaa?
Meaning : If the squirrel shakes the tree, will the fruits fall.unnamaaTamTae ulukekkuva.
Meaning : Why do you flinch, when I say the truth.

upakaaraanikipoatae apakaaram edurainaTTu
Meaning : To face bad times when you went to do something good.(Sometime, when all you want to do is good, but somehow it turns bad)
uuru pommamTumdi kaaDi rammamTumdi.
Meaning : Town asks to leave, funeral pire asks to come.
(Expression used by people of ripe old age to express that their time is against them)uurikae vastae maavaaDu marokaDunnaaDu.
Meaning : If its free then I will get another person I know.
uuramtaa chuTTaalu uTTikaTTa taavulaedu.
Meaning : The whole town is full of relatives, but no one to help me tie this.
1 comment:
I would like to learn how to pronounce these words. Can you provide a phonetic element?
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